yoga is for you

Yoga is not simply poses or aesthetically impressive inversions. 

Yoga is philosophy, a way of life, diet, routine, meditation, exercise, mindset, balance, health, consciousness, culture, legends, faith, rest, grace, therapy, divinity. Yoga is whatever it needs to be for you. 

While yoga has changed and morphed into something new as it crossed oceans and centuries, the principals remain to take us on a journey beyond the physical. Yoga is the union of the individual soul with the divine through the discipline of meditation. It is a climb through eight limbs to reach our highest form of self, enlightenment

Yoga for me began in the spirit of exploration, then soon became my saving grace, and then bloomed into my form of self expression. It grounds me and brings me home - to a place where my heart sings loudly, my truth is clear, and my compass leads. It sheds layers of the ego and cloaked insecurities to reveal my purest self. 

And yoga is for you. 

Whether you adore your body, or are still angry at it -

Yoga is for you. 
Whether you can't touch your toes, or flexibility comes easily - 
Yoga is for you. 
Whether you're ready to speak your truth, or you're still finding your voice - 
Yoga is for you. 
Whether you're old, young, or somewhere in between - 
Yoga is for you. 
Whether you worship something bigger than yourself, or not quite sure -
Yoga is for you. 
Whether you have healthy relationships, or are still creating boundaries -
Yoga is for you. 
Whether you know yourself intimately, or are still getting acquainted - 
Yoga is for you. 
Whether you have energy to burn, or your body aches with exhaustion -
Yoga is for you. 
Whether your days are happy, or you just can't seem to find your light -
Yoga is for you. 
Whether you are in tune with your body's cycles, or can't seem to find the connection -
Yoga is for you. 
Whether you're scared of failure, or excited to try something new,  -
Yoga is for you. 
Whether you're on a soul searching journey, or you've forged a path already -
Yoga is for you. 
Whether it will be your first time on the mat, or its already a daily practice -
Yoga is for you. 
Whether your heart is open to receive, or open to give -
Yoga is for you. 


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